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The colloquial use for naming the Airbus A320 aircraft.



Ab Initio

Pilot flight training from zero experience up to the minimum level acceptable for airline employment.




Asia Pacific Airlines Training Symposium. An annual conference attended by most manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and expertise used in flight training.




Air Traffic Control. A service provided by ground-based air traffic controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through controlled airspace. The primary purpose of ATC worldwide is to prevent collisions, organize and expedite the flow of air traffic, and provide information and other support for pilots.

空中交通控制 由地面空中交通管制员提供的服务,他们指挥飞机在地面上并通过受控空域。全球 ATC 的主要目的是防止碰撞、组织和加快空中交通流量,并为飞行员提供信息和其他支持。



Airline Transport Pilots Licence. The highest category of pilot licence. Entitles the holder to be in command of a large jet transport aircraft engaged in public transport. 




Civil Aviation Training, a magazine produced by Halldale six times each year in which products and services are reviewed, advertised and updated.




CBT (Computer Based Training) is typically used by student pilots on laptops and desktop computers and assists in learning systems and procedures of a particular aircraft or material that makes up the syllabus of a pilots license or Type Rating. In general, CBT systems do not simulate the operation of the systems or controls, unless they have embedded 'informatics'. Primarily this is a teaching concept and we have course material and training footprints that makes extensive use of CBT. Various companies offer approved CBT courseware that are licensed and sold per license or group of trainees. We have experience with several suppliers and we can therefore assist with finding the right supplier for the particular courseware required.

CBT(基于计算机的培训)通常由飞行学员在笔记本电脑和台式电脑上使用,帮助学习特定飞机的系统和程序或构成飞行员执照或类型评级教学大纲的材料。一般来说,CBT 系统不会模拟系统或控件的操作,除非它们嵌入了信息学。这主要是一个教学理念,我们拥有广泛使用 CBT 的课程材料和培训足迹。许多公司提供经批准的 CBT 课件,这些课件按许可证或受训者群体进行许可和销售。我们拥有与多家供应商合作的经验,因此我们可以协助为所需的特定课件寻找合适的供应商。


Collimated Visual

A visual system used in advanced simulators and training devices which eliminates parallax and other errors thus allowing the visual display to be viewed in the natural sense from all crew stations within the training device.

虚像视觉 用于高级模拟器和训练设备的视觉系统,可消除视差和其他误差,从而允许从训练设备内的所有机组人员站以自然的方式观看视觉显示。



Commercial Pilot License. A qualification that permits the holder to pilot an aircraft as paid work. As opposed to a PPL (Private Pilot License).

商照 允许持有者以带薪工作方式驾驶飞机的资格。与 PPL(私人飞行员执照)相反。



European Aviation Safety Agency. A European Union regulatory organisation responsible for setting standards that govern EU aviation safety. EASA took over the duties of the JAA (Joint Aviation Authority) in 2008. 

欧洲航空安全局 欧洲航空安全局。欧盟监管组织,负责制定管理欧盟航空安全的标准。 EASA 2008 年接管了 JAA(联合航空管理局)的职责。



European Pilot Selection and Training. A EASA approved company providing Ab Initio pilot training, and selection tests used by airlines and training organizations to identify applicants who are suitable for pilot training.

欧洲飞行员选拔和培训公司。一家 EASA 批准的公司,提供从头开始飞行员培训以及航空公司和培训组织用于识别适合飞行员培训的申请人的选拔测试。



Federal Aviation Administration. United States government certification agency responsible for the creation and governance of regulation and safety in Aviation. 




Fixed Base Simulator. A flight simulator for aviation pilot training without a motion platform. Motion cueing is provided by the out of window visuals. 




Full Flight Simulator. A training device providing a flight deck which replicates a specific aircraft type and is mounted on a motion platform with up to six degrees of freedom (roll, yaw, pitch, left/right, up/down, back/forward).

全动模拟机 一种训练设备,提供模拟特定飞机类型的飞行甲板,并安装在最多具有六个自由度(滚动、偏航、俯仰、左/右、上/下、后/前)的运动平台上。



Flight Management System. The equipment on board an Aircraft which collectively controls the parameters of flight such as Navigation, Autopilot, Autothrust, Engine Operation and Flight Plan Execution. Typically the FMS is arranged to perform these functions so that efficiency is optimised. The FMS is transparent to the pilot and may be updated and modified as required.

飞行管理系统 飞机上共同控制飞行参数的设备,例如导航、自动驾驶仪、自动推力、发动机操作和飞行计划执行。通常,FMS 被安排来执行这些功能,以便优化效率。 FMS 对飞行员来说是透明的,并且可以根据需要进行更新和修改。



Flight Navigation and Procedures Trainer. A device which provides an environment representative of a generic aircraft (although it may be type specific). It may be type I or II and may be used, depending upon other attributes, for a variety of training tasks. It has no motion platform and is therefore 'fixed base'.

飞行导航和程序训练器 提供代表通用飞机的环境的设备(尽管它可能是特定于类型的)。它可以是 I 型或 II 型,并且可以根据其他属性用于各种训练任务。它没有运动平台,因此是固定底座


frozen ATPL

A licence which is issued after the relevant exams have been passed, but only activated until the holder has achieved a given flight experience, typically measured in flight hours. Once that experience has been reached, the licence is 'unfrozen' automatically and the holder is entitled to exercise the privileges of their ATPL (Airline Transport Pilots License).

ATPL的冻结 通过相关考试后颁发的许可证,但只有在持有人获得特定的飞行经验(通常以飞行小时数衡量)后才激活。一旦达到该经验,执照就会自动解冻,持有人有权行使其 ATPL(航空运输飞行员执照)的特权。



Flight Simulation Training Device. A colloquial usage and refers to any device, generic or type specific used in flight training. It might be fixed-base or with motion.

飞行模拟训练设备 对于飞行模拟的设备来说,有一个很口语化的说法,就是用genreictype specific来区分飞行模拟训练的专业度。这两种一般都是不带运动平台的。



Flight Training Device. A fixed-base flight simulator providing a generic or type specific environment and having flight and visual systems enabling type specific training but not tasks requiring motion simulation. May be used to offload FFS (Full Flight Simulator) training when approved. FTD can sometimes have a more colloquial usage and mean any device used for flight training. EASA recognises 2 levels of certification for fixed base simulators FTD Level 1 and FTD level 2.

飞行训练设备 固定基础飞行模拟器提供通用或特定类型的环境,并具有飞行和视觉系统,可实现特定类型的训练,但不需要运动模拟的任务。获得批准后,可用于减轻 FFS(全任务飞行模拟器)培训的负担。 FTD 有时可以有更通俗的用法,指用于飞行训练的任何设备。 EASA 认可固定基础模拟器 FTD 1 级和 FTD 2 级的 2 个认证级别。



Flight Training Organisation. An operation providing pilot training. An FTO may incorporate a TRTO (Type Rating Training Organisation), which is that part of the training directed at a particular aircraft type.

飞行训练组织 一个提供飞行员培训的组织。一个FTO可能包含 TRTO(型号评级培训组织),这是针对特定飞机类型的培训的一部分。



International Civil Aviation Organisation. An organisation with headquarters in Montreal, Canada, created in 1944 in order to set standards in aviation which would be upheld by the signatory members from around the world. It's not a regulatory or a legal body, but the standards and procedures adopted by ICAO are routinely used as the basis for statutory requirements by aviation authorities of member states. 

国际民航组织 该组织成立于 1944 年,总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔,旨在制定航空标准,并得到世界各地签署成员的支持。它不是监管机构或法律机构,但国际民航组织采用的标准和程序通常被成员国航空当局用作法定要求的基础。



Instrument Flight Rules. A series of regulations used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) and aviation authorities which apply to any flight NOT using the Visual Flight Rules (VFR). IFR does not refer to weather conditions which do not allow visual flight. Typical IFR would include the need to be under ATC at all times, the need for a given level of crew qualification and aircraft equipment, and other rules relating to the type of airspace in which the aircraft flies. Typically IFR will apply to nearly all public transport flights, but there can be exceptions.

仪表飞行规则 空中交通管制 (ATC) 和航空当局使用的一系列规定,适用于任何不使用目视飞行规则 (VFR) 的航班。 IFR 并不指不允许目视飞行的天气条件。典型的 IFR 包括需要始终处于 ATC 控制之下、需要特定级别的机组人员资格和飞机设备,以及与飞机飞行的空域类型相关的其他规则。通常,IFR 适用于几乎所有公共交通航班,但也可能有例外。



Instrument Rating. A pilot licence qualification allowing flight in an aircraft using only reference to flight instruments.

仪表等级 允许仅参考飞行仪表驾驶飞机飞行的飞行员执照资格。



Joint Aviation Authority. European Union aviation regulatory body that has been replaced by the EASA in 2008. And important difference between JAA and EASA is that JAA regulations were not legally binding but voluntarily adopted by member states. EASA regulations are legally binding and have legal regulatory authority for all European Union member states. Non EU member states can voluntarily adopt EASA regulations.

联合航空管理局。欧盟航空监管机构,于 2008 年被 EASA 取代。JAA EASA 之间的重要区别在于 JAA 法规不具有法律约束力,而是由成员国自愿采用。 EASA 法规具有法律约束力,对所有欧盟成员国均具有法律监管权限。非欧盟成员国可以自愿采用 EASA 法规。



Joint Aviation Requirements. Requirements arising from the JAA and EASA regulatory bodies.

联合航空要求。 JAA EASA 监管机构提出的要求。



Jet Orientation Course. A course for student pilots that introduces the operating principles of a modern jet aircraft. Emphasis is placed on crew coordination and the performance characteristics of jet aircraft. Typically the course is carried out in a simulator based on a jet type currently in service. The course may be adapted to a particular operator and include an introduction to the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) of that operator

 喷气机定向课程。为学员飞行员开设的课程,介绍现代喷气式飞机的操作原理。重点放在机组人员协调和喷气式飞机的性能特征上。通常,该课程是在基于当前使用的喷气式飞机类型的模拟器中进行的。该课程可能会针对特定运营商进行调整,并包括对该运营商的 SOP(标准操作程序)的介绍。


Line Training 

Colloquial for Line Oriented Flight Training. 

航线训练 面向线路的飞行训练的口语化表述。



Line Orientated Flight Training. Pilot Training which examines scenarios or problems that might arise or have arisen during flight operations. Used to help flight crews coordinate their activities and develop better understanding of flight systems during normal and abnormal operation.




Multi Crew Coordination. A phase of pilot flight training which addresses two-pilot operation in the environment of a complex aircraft type. This can be undertaken in a generic or type specific training device and will introduce techniques such as checklist usage, system preparation, operation and configuration in normal and abnormal operation. May be carried out in almost any type of FSTD (Flight Simulation Training Device).

多人制机组协调。飞行员飞行训练的一个阶段,涉及复杂飞机类型环境中的两名飞行员操作。这可以在通用或特定类型的培训设备中进行,并将介绍诸如正常和异常操作中的清单使用、系统准备、操作和配置等技术。几乎可以在任何类型的 FSTD(飞行模拟训练设备)中进行。



Multi (Crew) Pilots Licence. A new flight crew licence which is being adopted by many countries. The emphasis of the training for MPL is simulator-based and expected to be more representative of the type of flying that a pilot may experience in airline employment.

多人制机组飞行员执照 许多国家正在采用新的飞行机组人员执照。 MPL 培训的重点是基于模拟器,预计将更能代表飞行员在航空公司工作中可能经历的飞行类型。



Multi Pilot Simulations. A company in the Netherlands which manufactures fixed base flight simulators. MPS manufacture the Airbus A320 FTD and Boeing 737 FTD; the A320 MPS FTD-1 and FTD-2; and the Boeing 737NG FTD: B737 FTD-1 and FTD-2. The MPS A320 / B737NG MPS FTD 2 have been approved up to EASA cert level FTD 2 and FAA cert level 5 / 6. The MPS A320 / B737NG MPS FTD 1 have been approved up to EASA cert level FTD 1 and FAA cert level 4 / 5. Aviation Focus in Hong Kong is responsible for the lease and sale of all MPS FTDs in Asia.

荷兰飞行模拟器品牌 荷兰一家生产固定基础飞行模拟器的公司。 MPS 制造空客 A320 FTD 和波音 737 FTDA320 MPS FTD-1 FTD-2;以及波音 737NG FTDB737 FTD-1 FTD-2MPS A320 / B737NG MPS FTD 2 已获得 EASA 认证级别 FTD 2 FAA 认证级别 5 / 6 的批准。MPS A320 / B737NG MPS FTD 1 已获得 EASA 认证级别 FTD 1 FAA 认证级别 4 / 5的批准。 5. 香港Aviation Focus负责亚洲所有MPS FTD的租赁和销售。



Naming convention Used by flight simulator manufacturer MPS in the Netherlands to denote the A320 and B737 fixed base flight simulators that comply with EASA certification level FTD 1 and FAA certification level 4 / 5.

使用该名称来表示符合 EASA 认证级别 FTD 1 FAA 认证级别 4 / 5 A320 B737 固定基础飞行模拟器。



Naming convention Used by flight simulator manufacturer MPS in the Netherlands to denote the A320 and B737 fixed base flight simulators that comply with EASA certification level FTD 2 and FAA certification level 5 / 6.

使用该名称来表示符合 EASA 认证级别 FTD 2 FAA 认证级别 5/ 6 A320 B737 固定基础飞行模拟器。



Refers to the latest Airbus A320 (New Engine Option) which has entered service in 2016.

指的是 2016 年投入使用的最新型空客 A320(新发动机可选装)。



Private Pilot License. A qualification that permits the holder to act as the pilot of a private aircraft.

飞行员私照  允许持有者担任私人飞机飞行员的资格。



Qualification Test Guide. A series of requirements drawn up by an aviation authority or other body, which determines features, required of a Training Device in order to qualify it for use in a given phase of flight training. The guide covers items such as Cockpit Environment, Visual Displays, flight characteristics (control and engine response for example) and degrees of movement (FFS only). A device conforming to a given QTG will normally be issued with a certificate by the authority concerned.

鉴定测试手册  由航空当局或其他机构制定的一系列要求,确定训练设备所需的功能,以便使其有资格在特定的飞行训练阶段使用。该手册涵盖了驾驶舱环境、视觉显示、飞行特性(例如控制和发动机响应)和运动程度(仅限 FFS)等项目。符合给定 QTG 的设备通常会由相关机构颁发证书。



Standard Operating Procedure. Standardised steps that flight crew carry out to effectively and safely perform tasks.

标准操作程序  机组人员为有效、安全地执行任务而执行的标准化步骤。



Type Rating Training Organization. A training organization that's approved by an Aviation Authority to conduct training leading to the issue of an aircraft rating.




Visual Flight Rules. A set of regulations under which a pilot operates an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going.

目视飞行规范 飞行员在通常足够清晰的天气条件下操作飞机的一组规定,可以让飞行员看到飞机的目的地。


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